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Ga4 Vs Ua: a Survival Guide

In the wild world of data, a new species has evolved: Google Analytics 4 is poised and ready to take over the analytics landscape in 2023.

But don’t panic — we’ve spent some time interacting with this newcomer to the data ecosystem. And while many have reacted to GA4 with annoyance or apprehension, we believe that like most new and scary things, GA4 is just misunderstood.

Explore the features and nuances of Google Analytics 4 in this survival guide, where you’ll find answers to commonly asked GA4 vs UA questions, plus valuable resources to help you successfully navigate this new and unprecedented territory. 

Google Analytics Quick Facts

GA4 vs UA: The Basics

GA4 vs UA: The Pain Points

GA4 vs UA: The Showdown

GA4 vs UA: The Transition

The timeline to upgrade to GA4 includes 6 main steps. Our article covers more.

GA4 vs UA: The Tailoring

GA4 vs UA: The Outcome

Feeling stuck with GA4? We can help.

Ready To Talk?

Let us know how we can help you out, and one of our experts will be in touch right away.